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2024 Chametz Form

The disposal of leaven (chametz) before Passover requires the removal or storing of all chametz (food that is not kosher for Passover– Click here for the full kashrut guide). In order to enable us to fulfill this mitzvah, Jewish law provides for a technical procedure whereby we are able to sell all chametz in our possession for the duration of the holiday. This is known as Mechirat Chametz, the sale of chametz.

We will be happy to assist you with the sale of chametz. In addition, by making a contribution to the Mechirat Chametz Fund, you help us provide Seder for Jews who need help this time of year

Please fill out this form no later than Monday, April 15 regarding the sale of your chametz.

Please include apartment or unit numbers. Ex: 221 Baker St. Unit B
Please enter donation amount here
Thank you for your donation, you will see payment options on the next page. 
Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785