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New member form

We warmly welcome you to Ohavi Zedek!!  

We aim to provide a welcoming home for a diverse community, offering both traditional and innovative spiritual, cultural, social justice and learning programs.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and hope OZ will be a place where you will feel a sense of belonging! 

Please complete this form when you are ready to become a member.  If you'd like to learn more, visit us or speak with us first, please see our website's membership section. Interested in conversion to Judaism?  Learn more here.

Member Information

Please answer this question before proceeding.


Welcome back!

This is a special form just for brand new members.  Since you indicated you are a past member, please stop here,
 log in to your account and fill out our membership renewal form.

If that form is not accessible, please contact our Executive Director or Engagement Coordinator who will activate it! 

If you need help with Shulcloud, please see the documentation here.

Past member? Please do not fill this form out.  

Since you indicated you are a past member, please log in to your account and fill out our membership renewal form.
If that form is not accessible, please contact our Executive Director or Engagement Coordinator who will activate it! 

Used to sign in to your OZ online account & receive OZ messages. Please provide an address you check regularly.
If you don't have a mobile phone, please enter home phone number here.
Please include apartment or unit numbers. Ex: 221 Baker St. Unit B
For students, please list your school.

Please select your interests from the options below. 
This will help us connect you with relevant programming, people and information.
We ask that each member / family volunteers with OZ to the best of their ability.  Please select the volunteer area(s) that interest you.
A person working in your area(s) of interest will be in touch.

Spouse / Partner Information
Used to sign in to their OZ online account & receive OZ messages. Please provide an address they check regularly. :)
If you don't have a mobile phone, please enter your home phone here.

Please select your partner's / spouse's interests from the options below. 
This will help us connect them with relevant programming, people and information.
Please select the volunteer area(s) that interest your spouse/partner.
A person working in their area(s) of interest will be in touch.

Child(ren) Information
Example: Sarah Silverman, 4/13/2006, Burlington High School

In applying to be a member of Ohavi Zedek, I/we agree to:
  1. Support and respect ourselves, our community and our spaces.
  2. Contribute time, talent and resources to support the success and growth of OZ's community to the best of my/our ability.
  3. Be open to learn, share and connect within our community.
Thank you for your application.  Our team will be in touch soon! 

This Year's Pledge Model

Your pledge includes Membership Dues, a Facility & Security Fund contribution and suggested volunteer time: 

If we all contribute at these levels, our annual budget goals would be met!  That said, we know that for some, these amounts may not be possible and for others, even more may be possible.  Please give at a level that works for you, your generosity impacts all of us.

Your Membership Pledge

Hello!  Since you indicated above that you are a past member, please stop here, log in to your account and fill out our membership renewal form.

If your were not a past member, please change your response above.

Questions? Hello@OhaviZedek.org.

If all adults in your household are age 29 or younger, no membership pledge is required.

Your Facility and Security Contribution



Thank you for your pledge!  On the next page, you will see payment options, include paying by credit card, ACH (e-check), by mail or stock donation.

To pay by mail: Select 'Bill My Account' on the next page.
To donate stock: Select 'Bill My Account' on the next page and email the office with details.

For questions please contact our office or Board Presdient.
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785